Tuesday, July 6, 2010


So, I've been working on a song… or… the lyrics to a song… that I'm naming "Everybody." The inspiration came while talking with an agnostic friend of mine, and her wanting to find more accurate terms for "spiritual" and "love", when those words are adjectives describing life, practices, history, and etc.
While I was telling her I had a distaste for the words "religion" and "religious," I threw in that, "well, you could just ask how and what the person worships." This she did not like. No one does. An agnostic believes they are holding back and will only worship a "god" when they have enough solid evidence (whatever they say that may be). An atheist would never worship a "god" and is drawn aback when you even suggest that they worship, because "worship is stupid."
What is worship? Is it a song or a statement? Is it a service or a silent prayer? No, no, those are all too obvious. Instead, worship is a dedicated life.
I believe that everyone's lives are devoted to something. This something can be an acknowledged object of worship, someone or something to which the person's contentment is tied, or even just the person's own person (self).
Actually, now that I've thought of it more since the last line… Every other worship boils down to that of the self. Actually, that makes a lot of logical sense, because if you do not see creation as below a creator, you can only relate it to the self.
Well, let's see what you think about what I've got so far:

'Cause everybody worships something
Every heart (knee) bows down
Every soul finds one thing
It bases itself around.
(It defines itself around)

What do you do "religiously"?
What can't you do without?
What do you believe primarily?
What will you never doubt?
(What is your life about)

What takes your time and your strength?
How do you spend your while?
How do you gauge life's breadth and length?
What one thing always brings a smile?

What would define your life
Were it a criminal's file?
(Were it a reporter's file?)
What would they say your motive was?
Why did you walk the mile?

What could you always be caught for?
What drug, hobby, value, what thing?
Is there anyone you would do anything for?
Is it you? Are you your life's own king?

Now, for those who made it to the end of this, here's what I'm thinking it should sound like :)
Right Here!

1 comment:

  1. Cool , deep,honest and I really like it. Yes Self is the other god. That is why we have Free will.
