Thursday, December 16, 2010

Finals Poetry #2

Don't like this one as much as the two previous yet, but keeping up the "at least one poem per sleep cycle" that crossed my mind for finals :)

God, that test, that paper, that project
Any glory from it I reject
For even this couldn't happen without You:
For strength and life can only be
Through the One who works powerfully in me.

It's never the work that takes me under the weather,
But only the lies I believe that cloud me over,
That blot out the infinity of Your wonderful sky,
And in this way I cease to sing Your worship shooing.

I think my purposes better, think my times my own
Instead of the beautiful offering You would,
In Your grace, allow me to offer before Your throne
Acknowledging You as the eternal, omnipotent, God alone:
As my purpose, my place is, my joy can be, my contentment should.

This is Your desire, Your holy will, Your command
And I need Your guidance, Lord, Your reprimand:
Here on earth You form me, having saved me from the fire,
You work on my being, shaping my acts and my desire,
Granting me to learn about heavenly Wisdom the earth doesn't understand.

Tear, ever, away, this spirit of fear,
Let all the world of Your glory hear,
And from my lips, through every act
May the Gospel, to my friends, be so near,
That they would learn of life in You that does not lack.

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